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Thursday, March 22, 2007


This is the long-planned replacement to the Lean Product Development newsletter I started last year. Since that time, a few things have happened that make this blog a better format for continuing our conversation:
  • Blogging software finally has all the features it needs to support blogging the way I want to do it - as a moderated conversation with others in the product development community.
  • My consulting work has broadened beyond Lean Product Development as a methodology for improving product development performance, and I want the freedom to write about everything I see, whether or not the topics are specifically Lean.

I appreciate all the subscribers I accumulated in the last year who have been eager to learn more about Lean Product Development. I think you will find the new material to be just as interesting, even if it's not always purely Lean. We are all interested in learning more about how to dramatically improve product development performance, and increasing our ability to deliver customer value.



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