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Monday, July 9, 2007

Announcing: The 2008 LPPD Exchange

Plans for the Lean PD conference have come a long way in the last few weeks! But I could use some help from you.

As of today, we have our name:

2008 Lean Product and Process Development Exchange

Now we just need a location.

I have a special request for my readers: please let me know either in email or by posting a comment, what you think about locations. What do you think about:

Las Vegas
Salt Lake City

Any other ideas? Where would you most like to go in February?

This conference will pull together the thought leaders and trailblazers in Lean Product and Process Development (LPPD) for knowledge-sharing, networking, education and discussion. The Lean Enterprise Institute is our first co-sponsor, and Durward Sobek, Jamie Flinchbaugh, Michael Kennedy and I are on the early list of thought leaders. We've also started to assemble an exciting list of trailblazers who have increased ROI for NPD, slashed time to market, and delivered more customer value with LPPD. It will be the best event to date focused on using lean ideas in the product development space.



Blogger Katherine Radeka said...

Here are the early email responses:

--Minneapolis - cold but perhaps inexpensive.
--Denver (where the skiiers can put the winter weather to good use!)

July 10, 2007 at 10:41 AM  
Blogger Katherine Radeka said...

More emailed responses and selection update:

Dallas (a hub and warmer in February but not distracting)
Los Angeles
San Diego

We've narrowed down to this set:
Minneapolis / St paul
Salt Lake City

Our first set of filters will be peak seasons (we want to avoid them) and cost of flights. We could still use your comments, so feel free to tell us what you think on this thread.

July 11, 2007 at 5:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I would have to vote for Mpls since I have family there but Salt Lake City is quite inviting (Alta, Alta, Alta - for you skiing fans, also I think you can (safely) go down the luge run). Dallas would be OK. LA is too spread out (I would want to be downtown). We should avoid a completely bland conference hotel in the middle of suburbia.

July 17, 2007 at 9:10 AM  

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